16 powerful brain exercises to help improve your memory

Clinically reviewed by Dr. Chris Mosunic, PhD, RD, MBA

Turns out your morning crossword is more than just a fun way to pass the time. Explore how aging can affect memory and 16 everyday brain exercises to boost your own.

Is there anything more frustrating than those moments when your memory fails you? Maybe you walk into a room to get something and then suddenly forget what you’re looking for. Or you bump into an old friend and can’t remember their name. It’s not only annoying, but it can also feel unsettling not having full command over your own knowledge.

Memory lapses happen to all of us, and as we age, they can become more and more frequent. The good news is that being forgetful isn’t a destiny you have no control over. Your brain is like a muscle, and it tends to thrive on challenges, newness, and a little daily movement. Just like you can strengthen your biceps or your core, you can also strengthen your memory.

If you’re worried about your memory, there are simple brain workouts you can add to your life that can help improve recall, keep your mind sharp, and also slow down your cognitive decline. Here’s what you need to know.


How does aging affect memory?

Aging often brings wisdom, but as your brain changes over time, you may experience cognitive changes too. Thankfully, your brain has something called neuroplasticity, which means it can adapt, grow, and form new connections at any age. In other words, you can usually get back into shape mentally.

Here are four ways your memory can be affected as you get older:

  • Your brain structure changes: Certain areas of your brain, especially the hippocampus (which helps with learning and memory), can possibly shrink over time. This can make it harder for you to absorb and retrieve new information.

  • Processing speed slows down: As we age, it can take a little longer to pull information from our storage, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still there. 

  • Distractions hit harder: Filtering out distractions can sometimes take more effort as you age, and this can make it feel like your memory’s slipping.

  • Brain chemicals decline: Your production of neurotransmitters (like dopamine and acetylcholine, which possibly help with memory and learning) tends to naturally decrease as you get older. This may make it harder to store and retrieve some of the info in your brain.


16 brain exercises that can help boost your memory

Many people think that in order to boost their memory they have to become a veritable trivia champion, but that’s actually not the case. (But if trivia is your thing, go for it!) 

You can keep your mind engaged by doing all sorts of brain exercises that don’t require a lot of time to get the benefits of a more resilient mind. Here are 16 simple and quick exercises you can do to boost your memory (and maybe even have a little fun along the way). 

1. Play word association games

If you tend to hear a new name and then instantly forget it, try linking it to something familiar. If you meet someone named Lily, you could picture them holding a bouquet of lilies. The more vivid and ridiculous the image, the better you’ll most likely remember it.

2. Challenge yourself with puzzles

Puzzles like crosswords, Sudoku, or even jigsaw puzzles can help strengthen your problem-solving skills, improve your recall, and can even delay cognitive decline. (Wordle, anyone?) Plus, doing puzzles can be a great excuse to spend time with your loved ones while you flex your mental muscles.

3. Learn something new

Notice how you lose interest in activities/books/movies once you’ve done/seen them a bunch of times? Well, that’s because the brain likes things that are new and exciting. 

Learning a new skill—like playing the drums, speaking French, or even mastering a new recipe—can help you build fresh neural connections and make your brain stronger.

4. Practice mindfulness and meditation

Mindfulness can help teach you to slow down, focus, and be present, which can make it easier for you to remember things later. Try practicing mindful eating at your next meal by taking time to really savor the flavors and textures of your food. Or take a mindful walk and take time to notice the sounds and sights around you. This can help calm your nervous system and even boost your cognitive function.

💙 Explore our session on Mindfulness with Tamara Levitt if you want to ease into meditation.

5. Move your body

Exercise and movement are great for your memory, especially activities like yoga or dancing that teach you different steps or poses. Hiking or walking may increase blood flow to your brain which can help keep you healthy and alert. 


6. Read aloud

Reading aloud can add an extra layer of reinforcement to the information. It also engages different parts of your brain, which can then make it easier for you to retain info. 

If reading aloud feels uncomfortable, try reading a short article—or even just a paragraph—out loud rather than a long chapter. This might feel silly at first, but over time, you’ll likely get more comfortable doing it.

7. Visualize information (and break it down)

When trying to remember something, aim to turn it into a mental picture or break it down into even smaller chunks. 

Instead of memorizing a long recipe, consider picturing where the items are in your fridge or pantry, or grouping them into categories like “dry goods,” “dairy,” and “protein.” 

8. Teach someone what you’ve learned

When you teach something new to someone this can help reinforce your learning and strengthen your own recall. The next time you learn a cool new fact—did you know a group of sloths is called a snuggle?—share it with someone. This can broaden their knowledge and also help you remember more interesting facts.

9. Write things down by hand

Writing things down by hand helps to engage different parts of your brain and can make information stick a bit better.

Instead of typing up your notes, consider writing them out. Also, keeping a journal can not only help your memory but also support you getting out your feelings. If you’re new to journaling, here are seven tips that to get you started.

10. Change up your routine

If you do the same thing every day life can start to feel dull. Changing your routine is not only more exciting and engaging, but it’s good for your brain. Switching things up helps to force your brain to adapt and build new connections. 

To strengthen your mind, try brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand or taking a different route to work. 


11. Engage in storytelling

Turning facts into a story can help your brain to remember those facts easier. If you want to remember important stories that happened in your life, consider sharing them with family and friends. 

The more you tell a story, the more rich and vivid the details become in your mind and the more likely they are to stick. Plus, if you tell your stories to other people, you’re sharing the knowledge and preserving your family history.

💙 Consider listening to Tales from the CB Radio with Orville Peck if you’re also in the mood to listen to a good sleep story.

12. Get to chatting

Engaging with friends, playing games, and even just chatting about your day can help exercise your brain. Plus, staying socially active has been linked to better cognitive health as we age. (Here are 10 ways to make and keep adult friends if you’re feeling like your social network is a bit slim these days.)

13. Listen to music and try to recall lyrics

Music and memory tend to go hand in hand, as music has a special way of lighting up the brain. To help your recall, try listening to an old favorite song of yours and see if you can remember the lyrics. 

14. Play strategy games

Board games, chess, and card games all require memory, planning, and problem-solving. These are great skills to help keep you sharp. 

15. Laugh more

Laughter can help reduce your stress, improve your mood, and strengthen your social bond, which can all help to support memory.

The next time you’re struggling to remember something, consider watching a funny movie or calling up your favorite funny friend. 

16. Sleep well

Believe it or not, sleep isn’t just for your body, it helps your mind too. While you sleep, your brain typically consolidates memories so skimping on rest can make it harder for you to retain information. Every night, try to aim for 7–9 hours so that your brain gets the recharge it needs. (If you’re having trouble sleeping, here are 10 healthy sleep habits that can help.)


Brain exercises for memory FAQs

How can I keep my memory sharp while aging?

A great way to keep your memory sharp is to stay engaged mentally, physically, and socially. Your brain loves variety, so mix up your daily routine with activities that challenge your thinking. 

Some other ways to keep your memory sharp are:

  • Reading, puzzles, and learning new skills can help keep your mind active.

  • Regular physical exercise can help improve blood flow to your brain and support cognitive function. 

  • Conversations, laughter, and spending time with loved ones can help keep your brain engaged and healthy as well. 

  • Getting enough sleep is important sleep because your brain consolidates memories while you rest. 

Can I reverse memory loss?

It usually depends on the type of memory loss. If you’re dealing with occasional forgetfulness like misplacing your keys or struggling to recall names, memory can possibly be improved with practice. A healthy diet, brain exercises, and stress management techniques all can help potentially strengthen neural pathways and even create new ones.

If your memory loss is more severe, reach out to a doctor. Conditions like Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia usually require early intervention. That said, even in cases of age-related cognitive decline, keeping the brain active can help slow down the process and improve your overall mental function.

Does mindfulness help memory retention?

Mindfulness can help reduce your stress, which tends to be a major culprit in memory lapses. When you’re stressed or overwhelmed, your brain struggles to absorb and retrieve information. 

Mindfulness also trains your brain to focus better. And studies show that regular mindfulness practice can help improve your working memory, attention span, and even emotional resilience, all of which can help with your memory retention. 

To get started, try a short meditation or a few minutes of deep breathing (here are seven exercises we like).

What are some everyday mental exercises for memory?

Typically the best brain exercises are ones that don’t feel like work and can be easily added into your daily routine. 

To help strengthen your recall, try reading a book and then summarizing what you just read. Taking a different route to the store can help force your brain to think in new ways and keep it flexible and engaged.

Other everyday memory exercises you could try are:

  • Playing memory games

  • Doing crossword puzzles

  • Practicing storytelling

  • Brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand 

What are some easy brain exercises to improve memory?

If you’re looking for quick and simple ways to give your memory a boost, you could start with a visualization technique by picturing what you need to remember as a mental image. So if you need to remember to pick up milk, butter, and eggs at the store, visualize them sitting on your kitchen counter together once you’ve brought them home. 

Repetition can also work wonders, so try to say things out loud or write them down. 

Teaching someone else what you’ve just learned is a great way to reinforce it in your own brain. Or try taking a brisk walk, or doing a few stretches while thinking through a problem to help your memory.

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